Home > Agriculture > Series3 > Vol. 3 > No. 1
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3
Volume 3, Number 1
January-February, 1955
Front Matter
Diseases of goats
J Shilkin
How to produce clean milk
J T. McNally
Aerial baiting against wild dogs in Western Australia
A R. Tomlinson
Insect pest - vine leaf blister mite
C F.H Jenkins
Further experiements on the control of early blight or target spot of potatoes
W P. Cass Smith, M Hardie, and B N. Lowe
Farm and home—avoiding pastry "leftovers"
Helen M. Gloster
Farm and home—jams and jellies for exhibition
Helen M. Gloster
Farm and home—scissors in the kitchen
Helen M. Gloster
The budding of roses
C C. Hillary
The preparation of fruit for marketing
J S. Bloomfield
Deep litter for poultry- part 1
L J. Gaffney
Trees of Western Australia - the dundas mahogany
C A. Gardner
Trees of Western Australia - the gungunnu
C A. Gardner
Preventing pig losses
K M. Hope
A simple dockage-tester
G L. Sutton

Editor: J.A. Mallett
Cover: "This jeep-mounted foliage baiting outfit, operated by compressed air, is part of the equipment used by the Eastern Hills Fruit Fly Foliage Baiting Scheme to carry out a weekly baiting programme on about 750 properties spread over an area of 70 square miles. As can be seen by the Photograph, the jeep operates successfully even on steep slopes. Further details of the outfit are given in the article on Page 93 of this issue "
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The information in this journal was correct at time of publication. For updated and current information please go to the department's website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au