
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3


Western Australia, Trees of Western Australia, Eucalyptus oleosa

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No. 18.—Eucalyptus Oleosa F. Muell. and its Varieties

Some species of Eucalyptus, especially those of a limited range, or which have some particular soil or climatic requirements, are easily distinguished as species and have more or less constant characters. Others, on the other hand, which enjoy an extensive range through gradual climatic changes, exhibit variations to such an extent that more than one species would appear to be in evidence, and it is only by thorough exploration and research that their limits of variation as species can be determined. When known only from specimens collected from widely separated localities, a different picture is presented, and thus a number of separate species have been described because of a lack of appreciation of the general distribution and characters which are of importance.
