Home > Agriculture > Series3 > Vol. 1 > No. 2
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3
Volume 1, Number 2
March-April, 1952
More beef from the Kimberleys
Grant A. Smith
Sheep crutching technique
W L. McGarry and M Butler
The martyrs
Maurice Maeterlinck
Brown rot and collar rot of citrus
W P. Cass Smith
Elephant Grass
H G. Elliott and L C. Snook
"Swelled Head" in rams
C R. Toop
The Webworm
C F.H Jenkins
Tobacco field day
J A. Mallett
Concerning mushrooms
H M. Gloster
Shrubs for the farm home
C C. Hillary
Trees of Western Australia - tuart and illyarrie
C A. Gardner
Poison plants of Western Australia: isotropis
C A. Gardner and H W. Bennetts
Gas storage of apples
S E. Hardisty
Cereal variety trials
I Thomas and J Reeves
Drill spacing and rate of seeding
I Thomas and H G. Carris
Water erosion control
L C. Lightfoot
Preparing beeswax for market
R S. Coleman
Novel farm-made spray outfit
L G. Hayward
Bees in box hives
A Kessell

Editor: J.A. Mallett
Cover: "Seeding-time is here again.
Trees of Western Australia and Poison Plant Series.
Owing to the absence from Perth of the Government Botanist) Mr. C. A. Gardner), we regret that the drawings and letterpress for the series, "Trees of W.A." and "Poison Plants of W.A." were not available in time to be included in this issue. [page 361]
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The information in this journal was correct at time of publication. For updated and current information please go to the department's website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au