Biosecurity Research Articles
Forecasting model for pea seed-borne mosaic virus epidemics in field pea crops in a Mediterranean-type environment
Document Type
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Journal Title
Virus Research
Print: 0168-1702 Electronic: 1872-7492
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity
An empirical model was developed to forecast Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) incidence at a critical phase of the annual growing season to predict yield loss in field pea crops sown under Mediterranean-type conditions. The model uses pre-growing season rainfall to calculate an index of aphid abundance in early-August which, in combination with PSbMV infection level in seed sown, is used to forecast virus crop incidence. Using predicted PSbMV crop incidence in early-August and day of sowing, PSbMV transmission from harvested seed was also predicted, albeit less accurately. The model was developed so it provides forecasts before sowing to allow sufficient time to implement control recommendations, such as having representative seed samples tested for PSbMV transmission rate to seedlings, obtaining seed with minimal PSbMV infection or of a PSbMV-resistant cultivar, and implementation of cultural management strategies. The model provides a disease forecast risk indication, taking into account predicted percentage yield loss to PSbMV infection and economic factors involved in field pea production. This disease risk forecast delivers location-specific recommendations regarding PSbMV management to end-users. These recommendations will be delivered directly to end-users via SMS alerts with links to web support that provide information on PSbMV management options. This modelling and decision support system approach would likely be suitable for use in other world regions where field pea is grown in similar Mediterranean-type environments.
Recommended Citation
Congdon, B S,
Coutts, B A,
Jones, R A,
Renton, M.
(2017), Forecasting model for pea seed-borne mosaic virus epidemics in field pea crops in a Mediterranean-type environment. Virus Research, 241, 163-171.