Publication Date



Government of Western Australia


Perth, Western Australia




Lower Gascoyne Management Strategy

The Carnarvon horticultural area has suffered considerable erosion damage following flooding of the Gascoyne River.

The purpose of this report is to describe the factors that contribute to soil erosion in the Carnarvon horticultural area (Section 1) and provide guidelines for soil management (Sections 2 and 3) which will assist farmers, local government planners and government bodies with responsibility for resource protection and conservation.

The report:

  • Provides detailed information on soil management for intensive irrigated cropping
  • Details cropping alternatives to better manage the soil erosion risk
  • Identifies appropriate plants for soil stabilisation in a range of situations
  • Introduces the concept of property management plans
  • Identified the location and defines the degree of erosion risk for various classes of flood paths.
  • Provides recommendations for cropping systems to be used on each class of flood path.
  • Attempts to take account of current management techniques within the limitations imposed by the water resource, climate and financial considerations.

Periodic revision will be required as experience, technology and legislative change occur. Farmer innovations and practice should be monitored, assessed and incorporated into these guidelines as appropriate.


The Carnarvon Growers Association, the Shire of Carnarvon, the Carnarvon Land Conservation District Committee and the Waters and Rivers Commission have all expressed their support for the conservation concepts and guidelines in this report. However, they have not been willing to fully endorse the publication due to liability concerns. 3

Number of Pages



Lower Gascoyne Management Strategy, farm management, canarvon, horticulturem soil, erosion, western australia


Earth Sciences | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources and Conservation | Soil Science


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