Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia




1 877098 90 6


1035 - 4549


Final FRDC report - Project 2002/038

The need for this project was identified through the ESD Risk Assessment workshops held for the Shark Bay and Exmouth Gulf trawl fisheries in May and October 2001. Bycatch issues in the Shark Bay and Exmouth fisheries were identified as a moderate risk through an Ecological Risk Assessment workshop. A better understanding of the faunal composition and habitat preferences of bycatch species in both trawled and untrawled areas has assisted in determining the level of risk to bycatch species. The project provided baseline data on biodiversity and variability of trawl bycatch on and off the trawl grounds in Shark Bay and Exmouth Gulf in order to set up potential reference sites for long-term monitoring. The study examined seasonal and annual variation in abundance and diversity measures and trawl efficiency in capture of bycatch species. This information will enable the Department of Fisheries and industry to effectively respond to information required by Department of Environment and Water Resources in order to continue to provide top quality, highly valued seafood to both export and local markets. It also provides a basis to answer queries from conservation and community groups on the effects of fishing on the bycatch.

Number of Pages



Shark Bay, Exmouth Gulf, Trawled fishery, Untrawled, Seasonal variation, Annual variation, Bycatch, Onslow, Risk, Monitoring, Prawn fishery


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy

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