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The Department of Fisheries R&D plan for 2009/10 outlines the research, monitoring and assessment activities that are specifically directed towards supporting the collection of information that will assist in achieving the objectives of the Fish Resources Management Act (1994) for the coming five year period. This series is updated on an annual basis and should be read in conjunction with the most recent State of Fisheries report where comprehensive analyses of the current status of each of the fisheries and fish habitat resources are described.

The plan specifically focuses on those activities that are currently planned or identified which directly relate to the effective management of a specific fishery, ecosystem or aquaculture sector within Western Australia. It therefore not only documents the research, monitoring and assessment activities being done directly by the Department, it also covers the research that is being done by other agencies that has been identified as being directly relevant to the particular fishery/sector issue.

As the plan has been generated from a management perspective it may not cover all the research and development activities that could be undertaken to assist with the commercial operations of a fishery nor does it document all marine related research being undertaken in WA. Thus, industry development elements such as marketing are not covered in a comprehensive fashion. Such priorities are best determined and managed directly by industry.


1 921258 72 1


1447 - 2058

Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia




Management, Fishery, Ecosystem, Aquaculture, Research, Monitoring, Assessment, Risk, Ecological asset, Social asset, Economic asset, Bioregion


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biodiversity | Biology | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Marine Biology | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Fisheries occasional publication No 75 - Research and development plan 2009-10



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