Publication Date



State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)




The Aquaculture Plan has been developed in response to a government commitment and informed by input from industry and the Regional Development Commissions. Consultation on this Aquaculture Plan provided further opportunity for comments and discussions within the aquaculture sector as well as relevant external agencies. A final draft was released on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) website for a consultation period, affording the opportunity for public feedback.

The Aquaculture Plan is included and referenced in DPIRD’s Primary Industries Plan.

The development of the Aquaculture Plan has also been informed by the Aquaculture Industry Engagement Consortium (2017), convened by the Premier, which focused on how local aquaculture operations can take advantage of the rising global demand for quality seafood products. It enabled industry stakeholders to provide important feedback on the Government’s key commitments to support future decision-making. This led to the identification of tangible and practical opportunities for industry and government to grow the aquaculture sector, boost jobs and help diversify the State’s economy.

DPIRD utilised the outcomes of the consortium, and prior preliminary discussion, to identify foundations for growth and prioritised these to facilitate development of the industry in the future.

The Aquaculture Plan is intended to assist Government focus and prioritise resources to implement relevant projects with a coordinated approach.

The Aquaculture Plan gives high level consideration to identify and simplify broad concepts. It does not provide detail at a project level. This approach allows for ongoing, adaptable management measures and the flexibility to develop new projects and initiatives as the implementation of the Aquaculture Plan progresses.

Number of Pages



aquaculture deveopment plan, biosecurity, fish health, research and development, regulations, economic development, infrastructure


Agricultural and Resource Economics | Aquaculture and Fisheries | Food Security


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