Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
1. Tolerance of New Cereal Varieties to Current Herbicides EX 5506 Trial Nos: 90AL41, 90EC36, 90EB45, 90KA130, 90M85, 90NA100
2. Tolerance of Current Cereal Varieties to New Herbicides EX 5506 Trial Nos: 90M86, 90EC35, 90N74
3. Metribuzin Tolerance of Cereal Varieties EX 5507 Trial Nos: 90EC37
4. Lupin Tolerance to Herbicides EX 5508 Trial Nos: 90EC34, 90EB44
5. Pea Tolerance to Herbicides EX 5509 Trial Nos: 90KA131, 89KA64
6. Pasture Legume Tolerance to Herbicides EX 64522 Trial Nos: 90KA132,
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Bowran, D.
(1990), Crop tolerance to herbicides.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
Included in
Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons