
A. S. Heinrich

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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


To develop the management system for very early sown wheat crops in the central wheat belt of Western Australia.

Trial 90EB34 and 90EB35

Location: East Beverley Annex.

90EB34 3 times of sowing at fortnightly intervals after the 9th April, with 8 varieties of wheat.

90EB35, 4 times of sowing at fortnightly intervals after the 23rd April with 9 varieties of wheat.

Trial 90No77 - 90NO80

Location: York

Each time of sowing has a separate trial number, 90NO77 TOS 1, 90NO78 TOS 2, 90NO79 TOS 3 and 90NO80 TOS 4.

Trial 90NO81

Location: Goomalling

TREATMENTS: - 3 times of sowing 25/4/90, 31/5/90, 13/6/90 with 9 varieties of wheat (see below).

Fertilizers were 104 kg/ha of Super, drilled, and 104 kg/ha Urea topdressed IBS. - All times of sowing received 35 g/ha Logran (R) IBS and Sprayseed was used as the knockdown where needed.

The first time of sowing was severely sand blasted on 2 occasions, rep 3 suffered the least damage of all.

Trial 90NO84 - 90NO86

Location: Grass Valley

TREATMENTS: - 3 times of sowing 27/4/90, 28/5/90, 11/6/90 with 9 varieties of wheat (see below).

Fertilizers were 154 kg/ha Super, drilled, and 104 kg/ha Urea, topdressed IBS. - All times of sowing received 35 g/ha Logran (R) IBS.

Very patchy germination in the 1st time of sowing and grubs (cut worm and/or web worm) may have thinned the plant density considerably.

Trial 90NO87-90NO89

Location: Wyalkatchem

TREATMENTS: - 3 times of sowing 24/4/90, 13/6/90, 22/6/90 with 9 varieties of wheat (see below).

All times of sowing received 35 g/ha Logran (R) IBS and Sprayseed (R) was used as the knockdown where required.

All times of sowing received 104 kg/ha Super, drilled and 104 kg/ha Urea topdressed IBS.

Trial 90NO90-90NO92

Location: Wyalkatchem

TREATMENTS: - 3 times of sowing 24/4/90, 7/6/90, 22/6/90 with 9 varieties of wheat (see below).

All times of sowing received 104 kg/ha Super, drilled, and 104 kg/ha Urea topdressed IBS.

Sprayseed was used as the knockdown on all times of sowing and all times of sowing received 35 g/ha Logran (R) IBS.

Trial 90NO123

Location: Cunderdin Agricultural College.

TREATMENTS: 3 times of sowing 8/6/90, 19/6/90, 29/6/90 with 3 varieties of wheat, Spear, Aroona and Kuhn. The trial was an unreplicated design using 1 ha plots sown with a 20 run culti-trash. Seed rate of 65 kg/ha was used with 100 kg/ha of Super drilled with the seed and 100 kg/ha Urea topdressed IBS or IAS. 35 g/ha of Logran (R) was applied IBS at each time of sowing.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
