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DPIRD Collections
Animal production and livestock
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Virulent footrot can occur on any farm in the medium to high rainfall zone. Persons who regularly buy and sell sheep take a greater risk, but even properties with a closed breeding flock are at risk from stray sheep. People often associate footrot with properties managed by inefficient farmers. This is a false belief. Many good farmers have found the disease in their sheep, including high profile studs. Footrot can strike anywhere and often without warning. It is important to remember that once it is found; getting to know and understand the disease will help you to beat it. A positive attitude, careful planning and good management will be your greatest needs.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Large or Food Animal and Equine Medicine | Sheep and Goat Science | Veterinary Infectious Diseases
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia.
(2004), Eradicating footrot from Western Australia - A farmer's guide. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 25/2004.
Included in
Large or Food Animal and Equine Medicine Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons, Veterinary Infectious Diseases Commons