Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Research Report No. 229
Government of Western Australia Department of Fisheries
1035 - 4549
Objectives 1. To determine size specific recapture mortality rates of Amusium balloti as a result of repeated capture and release experiments and gear impacts on newly recruited (juvenile) scallops. 2. To determine the impacts of various scallop mesh sizes for the capture of the target size of Amusium balloti and its impact on damage to and retention of prawns. 3. To investigate if small-scale spatial closures assist recruitment of Amusium balloti by reducing gear impacts and capture mortality but without affecting overall prawn catches. 4. To examine whether existing hydrodynamic models can guide the selection of spatial closures and to investigate the larval transport mechanisms of both prawn and scallop larvae in Shark Bay.
Number of Pages
Scallop fisheries; Prawn fisheries; Shared stocks; Shark Bay - Western Australia; Trawling; Fishery management; Mortality; Tagging; Amusium balloti; Gear selectivity; Gear research; Recruitment; Area regulations; Larval transport; Modelling; Western Australia
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Recommended Citation
Kangas, M.I, Chandrapavan, A., Hetzel, Y.L. and Sporer, E.C. (2012). Minimising gear conflict and resource sharing issues in the Shark Bay trawl fisheries and promotion of scallop recruitment. Fisheries Research Report No. 229. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 136p.
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