
M. Harries, Department of AgricultureFollow
R. French, Department of AgricultureFollow
I. Pritchard, Department of Agriculture
R. Beermier, Department of AgricultureFollow
N. Poulish, Department of Agriculture
S. White, Department of Agriculture
M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture
P. White, Department of Agriculture
T. Pope, Department of Agriculture
M. Blyth, Department of AgricultureFollow
L. Young, Department of AgricultureFollow
N. Abbas, University of Western Australia
J. Plummer, University of Western Australia
K. Siddique, University of Western Australia
D. Harris, Chemistry Centre of Western AustraliaFollow
T. Khan, Department of Agriculture
K. Regan, Department of Agriculture
G. Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture
B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture
J. Berger, University of Western AustraliaFollow
N. Turner, University of Western Australia
F. Shan, University of WesternAustralia
H. Clarke, University of Western AustraliaFollow
P. Smith, Department of Agriculture
M. Baker, Department of AgricultureFollow
H. Dhammu, Department of AgricultureFollow
T. Piper, Department of Agriculture
D. Nicholson, Department of Agriculture
M. Materne, Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Agriculture Victoria
J. Howieson, Murdoch UniversityFollow
R. Yates, Murdoch University
S. Loss, Wesfarmers CSBP
Z. Rengel, University of Western Australia
B. Bowden, Department of AgricultureFollow
M. Bolland, Department of AgricultureFollow
J. Croser, University of Western AustraliaFollow
A. Harrod, Department of Agriculture
J. Galloway, Department of AgricultureFollow
C. Beeck, University of Western Australia
J. Wroth, University of Western Australia
W. Cowling, University of Western AustraliaFollow
M. Salam, Department of Agriculture
A. Diggle, Department of AgricultureFollow
R. Jones, Department of Agriculture
B. Coutts, Department of AgricultureFollow
L. Smith, Department of Agriculture
O. Byrne, University of Western AustraliaFollow
D. Hardie, Department of AgricultureFollow
J. Ridsill-Smith, CSIRO
H. Sharma, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
K. Mann, CSIRO
S. Kelly, Department of Agriculture
S. Sharma, Department of Agriculture
H. Hunter, Department of Agriculture
V. Vanstone, Department of Agriculture

Document Type



Department of Agriculture



Publication Date



Pulses, Desi chickpea, Kabuli chickpea, Faba beans, Lentil, germplasm evaluation, row spacing sowing rate, residual effect, herbicides, variety evaluation, ascochyta blight resistance, Fiield peas, high rainfall regions, seed yield, Rhizobium inoculant, phosphorus, zinc, doubled haploid, sstubble, insecticide, Beet Western Yellows virus


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Entomology | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Plant Pathology


This session covers fifty one papers from different authors





1.Northern Agricultural Region, M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

2.Central agricultural Region, R. French and I. Pritchard, Department of Agriculture

3.Great Southern and Lakes, R. Beermier, N. Poulish and S. White, Department of Agriculture

4.Esperance Mallee, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture


5.Faba Bean, P. White, Department of Agriculture

6.Germplasm evaluation, P. White, T. Pope, M. Harries and M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

7.Row spacing and sowing rate, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

8.Tolerance to post emergent herbicides, M. Seymour, M. Harries, R. Beermier, M. Blyth and L. Young, Department of Agriculture

9.Investigation of environmental staining and storage discolouration, N. Abbas1,2, J. Plummer1, P. White3, D. Harris4 and K. Siddique1,2, 1Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 3Department of Agriculture, 4Chemistry Centre of Western Australia.

Desi chickpea

10.Breeding highlights, T. Khan1,2 and K. Siddique2 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

11. Variety evaluation, T. Khan and K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

12. Residual effect of chickpea row spacing and sowing rate on wheat yield, G. Riethmuller and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

13. Genotype x environmental interaction studies to help explain adaptation, J. Berger1, N. Turner1,2, K. Siddique1, 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2CSIRO Plant Industry

14. Genetic characterisation of wild relatives, F. Shan and H. Clarke, CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

15. Tolerance to chilling at flowering, H. Clarke, CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

16. Kabuli chickpea, K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

17. Premium quality varieties for the Ord River Irrigation Area, K. Siddique1, K. Regan2 and P. Smith2 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture

18. Development of aschochyta resistant varieties for Australia, K. Siddique1, K. Regan2 and M. Baker2 1CLIMA, University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture

Field pea

19. Breeding highlights, T. Khan and B. French, Department of Agriculture

20. Variety evaluation, T. Khan, Department of Agriculture

21. Specialty types for the high rainfall regions, P. White and T. Khan, Department of Agriculture

22. Are new varieties more sensitive to delayed sowing than Dundale? R. French, M. Seymour and R. Beermier, Department of Agriculture

23. Does the size of sown seed affect seed size and yield at harvest? R. Beermier and N. Poulish, Department of Agriculture

24. Tolerance to post emergent herbicides, H. Dhammu, T. Piper and D. Nicholson, Department of Agriculture

25. Lentil, K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

26. Variety evaluation, K. Regan and M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

27. Interstate evaluation of advanced breeding lines, K. Regan1 and M. Materne2 1Department of Agriculture, 2Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Agriculture Victoria

28. Timing of harvest for the best seed yield, M. Harries and M. Blyth, Department of Agriculture

29. Tolerance to post emergent herbicides, M. Harries and D. Nicholson, Department of Agriculture, H. Dhammu, T. Piper and L. Young, Department of Agriculture

30. Row spacing and stubble, G. Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture

Pulse species

31. High value pulses for the high rainfall areas, N. Poulish1, P. White1,2 and K. Siddique1,2 , 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

32. Alternative Rhizobium inoculant carrier technologies, J. Howieson and R. Yates, Centre for Rhizobium Studies (CRS), Murdoch University

33. Time of harvest to improve seed yield and quality of pulses, G. Riethmuller and R. French, Department of Agriculture

34. Phosphorus and zinc responses in pulses, S. Loss1, Z. Rengel2, B. Bowden3, M. Bolland3 and K. Siddique4 , 1Wesfarmers CSBP, 2Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, The University of Western Australia, 3Department of Agriculture, 4CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

35. Robust protocols for doubled haploid production in field pea and chickpea, J. Croser and K. Siddique, CLIMA, The University of Western Australia


36. Field pea and lentil on clayed sandplain, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

37. Field pea variety demonstration, M. Harries and M. Blyth, Department of Agriculture

38. The benefit of field peas compared to lupins, R. Beermier, Department of Agriculture


39. Ascochyta blight of chickpea, B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

40. Management of chickpeas with improved ascochyta resistance, B. Macleod, A. Harrod, M. Harries and M. Blyth, Department of Agriculture

41. Chlorothalonil provides the most effective control, B. Macleod, A. Harrod, M. Harries and M. Blyth, Department of Agriculture

42. Importance of early sprays and value of seed dressing (post emergence), B. Macleod and A. Harrod, Department of Agriculture

43. A windborne stage of ascochyta blight in WA, J. Galloway and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

Ascochyta disease of pulses

44. Geographic location effects ascochyta spore maturation on pulse stubble, J. Galloway and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

Blackspot of field pea

45. Rapid recurrent selection to improve resistance to black spot, C. Beeck1, J. Wroth1, W. Cowling1 and T. Khan2, 1Plant Science, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture

46. Survival of blackspot on old field pea stubble, J. Galloway and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

47. Blackspot spores mature earlier in the southern regions, M. Salam, J. Galloway, A. Diggle and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

Viruses in pulses

48. Early insecticide application suppresses spread of Beet Western Yellows virus in field pea, R. Jones, B. Coutts and L. Smith, Department of Agriculture, and CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

Insect pests and nematodes

49. Incorporation of pea weevil resistance from Pisum fulvum into field pea, O. Byrne1 and D. Hardie2, 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia 2Department of Agriculture

50. Resistance to Helicoverpa in wild species of chickpea, J. Ridsdill-Smith1, H. Sharma2 and K. Mann1, 1CSIRO Entomology, Western Australia, 2 ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India

51. Relative hosting ability of field pea genotypes to root lesion nematode, S. Kelly, S. Sharma, H. Hunter and V. Vanstone, Department of Agriculture


APPENDIX I: Publications by Pulse Productivity Project Staff 2002

APPENDIX II: Summary of previous results

APPENDIX III: List of common acronyms


Please cite papers individually
