Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Department of Agriculture
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Spray drift, wind speed, height, droplet size, volume, grass weed, herbicides, water rate, spray quality, coarse droplets, nozzle selection, product labels, 2, 4-D label, mandatory statements, advisory statements, annual ryegrass, systems research, focus paddock, herbicide resistance, crop top, lupin, barley, wild radish, seed set control, muskweed, weed wiping, Lolium rigidum; density, economics, integrated weed management, phenoxy herbicide resistance, wild radish flower colour, glyphosate resistance, paraquat resistance, pollen mediated gene flow, Tetraploid ryegrass, seedbank, diflufenican, triazines, Light interception, row orientation, weeds biomass, grain yields, grain protein, competition, yield, protein content, lupin cultivar, farming systems, shield spray, in-row, summer weeds, soil N, wheat emergence, wheat grain, wheat protein, diuron, metribuzin, doublegee, trifluralin, incorporation, narrow leafed lupins, yellow lupins, tolerance, Mandelup, albus lupins, field peas, faba bean, Kabuli chickpea, EGA Eagle Rock, double ridge, wheat, Lathyrus sativus, pasture legume, weed control, Ascochyta blight, Broadstrike, Bravo, Uptake oil, interaction, Atrazine, management, dodder, seed dormancy, host preference, pod production, time of sowing, herbicide control, model, simulation, seedbank, seed ecology.
Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Life Sciences | Plant Biology | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Plant Pathology | Weed Science
This session covers thirty seven papers from different authors:
2. Meeting the variable application goals with new application technology, Thomas M. Wolf, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre
3. Spray nozzles for grass weed control, Harm van Rees, BCG (Birchip Cropping Group)
4. Boom sprayer setups – achieving coarse droplets with different operating parameters, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting
5. Complying with product label requirements, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting
6. IWM a proven performer over 5 years in 33 focus paddocks, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture
7. Crop topping of wild radish in lupins and barley, how long is a piece of string? Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture
8. Determining the right timing to maximise seed set control of wild radish, Aik Cheam and Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture
9. Why weed wiping varies in success rates in broadacre crops? Aik Cheam1, Katherine Hollaway2, Siew Lee1, Brad Rayner1 and John Peirce1,1Department of Agriculture, 2Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
10. Are WA growers successfully managing herbicide resistant annual ryegrass? Rick Llewellynabc, Frank D’Emdena, Mechelle Owenb and Stephen Powlesb aCRC Australian Weed Management, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia; bWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia. cCurrent address: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
11. Do herbicide resistant wild radish populations look different? Michael Walsh, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia
12. Can glyphosate and paraquat annual ryegrass reduce crop topping efficacy? Emma Glasfurd, Michael Walsh and Kathryn Steadman, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia
13. Tetraploid ryegrass for WA. Productive pasture phase AND defeating herbicide resistant ryegrass, Stephen Powlesa, David Ferrisab and Bevan Addisonc, aWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia; bDepartment of Agriculture, and cElders Limited
14. Long-term management impact on seedbank of wild radish with multiple resistance to diflufenican and triazines, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, Dave Nicholson and Ruben Vargas, Department of Agriculture
15. East-west crop row orientation improves wheat and barley yields, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins and Catherine Borger3, Department of Agriculture, 3WAHRI, The University ofWestern Australia
16. Competitiveness of different lupin cultivars with wild radish, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Bob French and Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture
17. Managing herbicide resistant weeds through farming systems, Kari-Lee Falconer, Martin Harries and Chris Matthews, Department of Agriculture
18. Lupins tolerate in-row herbicides well, Peter Newman and Martin Harries, Department of Agriculture
19. Summer weeds can reduce wheat grain yield and protein, Dr Abul Hashem1, Dr Shahab Pathan1 and Vikki Osten3, 1Department Agriculture, 3Senior Agronomist, CRC for Australian Weed Management, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
20. Diuron post-emergent in lupins, the full story, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture
21. Double incorporation of trifluralin, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture
22. Herbicide tolerance of narrow leafed and yellow lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture
23. MIG narrow leaf lupin herbicide tolerance trial, Richard Quinlan, Planfarm Pty Ltd, Trials Coordinator MIG; Debbie Allen, Research Agronomist – MIG
24. Herbicide tolerance of new albus lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture
25. Field pea x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture
26. Faba bean variety x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture
27. Herbicide tolerance of new Kabili chickpeas, Harmohinder Dhammu, Owen Coppen and Chris Roberts, Department of Agriculture
28. Timing of phenoxys application in EAG Eagle Rock, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture
29. Herbicide tolerance of new wheat varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture
30. Lathyrus sativus x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture
31. Tolerance of annual pasture species to herbicides and mixtures containing diuron, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture
32. The impact of herbicides on pasture legume species – a summary of scientific trial results across 8 years, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture
33. The impact of spraytopping on pasture legume seed set, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture
34. Ascochyta interaction with Broadstrike in chickpeas, H.S. Dhammu1, A.K. Basandrai2,3, W.J. MacLeod1, 3 and C. Roberts1, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CSKHPAU, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour (HP), India and 3CLIMA
35. Best management practices for atrazine in broadacre crops, John Moore, Department of Agriculture, Neil Rothnie, Chemistry Centre of WA, Russell Speed, Department of Agriculture, John Simons, Department of Agriculture, and Ted Spadek, Chemistry Centre of WA
36. Biology and management of red dodder (Cuscuta planiflolia) – a new threat to the grains industry, Abul Hashem, Daya Patabendige and Chris Roberts, Department Agriculture
37. Help the wizard stop the green invaders! Michael Renton, Sally Peltzer and Art Diggle, Department of Agriculture
Recommended Citation
Douglas, A,
Wolf, T M,
van Rees, H,
Gordon, B,
Newman, P,
Adam, G,
Lee, A,
Lee, S,
Hollaway, K,
Rayner, B,
Peirce, J,
Llewellyn, R,
D'Emden, F,
Owen, M,
Powles, S,
Walsh, M,
Glasfurd, E,
Steadman, K,
Ferris, D,
Addison, B,
Cheam, A,
Nicholson, D,
Vargas, R,
Pathan, S,
Hashem, A,
Wilkins, N,
Borger, C,
French, B,
Falconer, K,
Harries, M,
Matthews, C,
Osten, V,
Dhammu, H,
Nicholson, D,
Quinlan, R,
Allen, D,
Seymour, M,
Burgess, P,
Coppen, O,
Roberts, C,
Valentine, C,
Basandrai, A K,
MacLeod, W J,
Moore, J,
Rothnie, N,
Speed, R,
Simons, J,
Spadek, T,
Patabendige, D,
Renton, M,
Peltzer, S,
Diggle, A.
(2006), Crop Updates 2006 - Weeds. Department of Agriculture, Perth. Conference Proceeding.
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