
Debbie Thackray, Agriculture Western Australia
Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia
G. Walton, Agriculture Western Australia
Kevin Morthorne, Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia P/L
Stephen Addenbrooke, Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia P/LFollow
Paul Carmody, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Rafiul Alam, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Glen Riethmuller, Agriculture Western Australia
Greg Hamilton, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
M. D. A. Bolland, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
M. J. Baker, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
A. J. Diggle, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Chris Gazey, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Imma Farre, CSIRO Plant IndustryFollow
Michael J. Robertson, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Senthold Asseng, CSIRO Plant IndustryFollow
Ping Si, University of Western Australia
David Turner, University of Western Australia
David Harris, Chemistry Centre of Western AustraliaFollow
Françoise Berlandier, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Christiaan Valentine, Agriculture Western Australia
David Cook, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Peter Mangano, Agriculture Western Australia
David Cousins, Agriculture Western Australia
Darryl Hardie, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Ravjit Khangura, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Martin Barbetti, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Jenny Hawkes, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Roger Jones, Agriculture Western Australia
Cameron Weeks, Mingenew-Irwin Group Inc
Erin Hasson, Mingenew-Irwin Group IncFollow
David Eksteen, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
John Moore, Agriculture Western AustraliaFollow
Paul Matson, Agriculture Western Australia
Carla Thomas, Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology
Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Agriculture Western Australia



Publication Date



‘Green-bridge’, viral, fungal disease, fallow, insecticide, varieties, performance, herbicide-tolerant, canola, options, Clearfield, Herbicide Resistant (HR) canola, Triazine Tolerant (TT), seed size, stubble, press wheels, soil moisture, fertiliser application, residues, Tramline Farming, sandplain, wheeling, wheat, phosphorus, summer rain, nitrogen, calculator, soil acidity, lime, hormone manipulation, height, simulation model, yield, sowing date, dry matter, oil concentration, developing seed, Aphids, insect damage, diamondback moth, multiple spray, fungal outbreak, fungicide, time of sowing, blackleg, decision support system, efficient targeting, beet western yellows virus, boomspray, Impact®, resistance rating, Australian plague locust (APL), damage, management plan, emergency response, landholders, diuron 90%, weed free, soil residual herbicide, swathing, desiccant application, Reglone®, Roundup®, limiting factors, monitoring


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Entomology | Other Plant Sciences | Plant Pathology | Weed Science



This session covers twenty five papers from different authors:



1. Implications of the ‘green-bridge’ for viral and fungal disease carry-over between seasons, Debbie Thackray, Agriculture Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture

2. Insect pest development in WA via the ‘green-bridge’, Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia


3. Performance of new canola varieties in AGWEST variety trials, G. Walton, Crop Improvement Institute, Agriculture Western Australia

4. New herbicide tolerant varieties in WA, Kevin Morthorpe, Stephen Addenbrooke, Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia P/L

5. IT v’s TT – Head to head, Paul Carmody, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia


6. Effect of stubble, seeding technique and seed size on crop establishment and yield of canola, Rafiul Alam, Glen Riethmuller and Greg Hamilton, Agriculture Western Australia

7. Canola establishment survey 2000, Rafiul Alam, Paul Carmody, Greg Hamilton and Adrian Cox, Agriculture Western Australia

8. Tramline farming for more canola, Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia


9. Comparing the phosphorus requirement of canola and wheat in WA, M.D.A. Bolland and M.J. Baker, Agriculture Western Australia

10. Will a rainy summer affect nitrogen requirement: Tailoring your fertiliser decisions using the new nitrogen calculator, A.J. Diggle, Agriculture Western Australia

11. Canola – More response to lime, Chris Gazeyand Paul Carmody, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia


12. Hormone manipulation of canola development, Paul Carmody and Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia

13. Yield penalties with delayed sewing of canola, Imma Farre, CSIRO Plant Industry, Michael J. Robertson, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Graham H. Walton, Agriculture Western Australia, Senthold Asseng, CSIRO Plant Industry

14. Dry matter and oil accumulation in developing seeds of canola varieties at different sowing dates, Ping Si1, David Turner1 and David Harris2 , 1Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia, 2Chemistry Centre of Western Australia

13. Simulating oil concentrations in canola – virtually just the beginning, David Turner1 and Imma Farré2, 1Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia, 2CSIRO Plant Industry, Centre for Mediterranean Agricultural Research


14. Further evidence that canola crops are resilient to damage by aphids, Françoise Berlandier and Christiaan Valentine, Entomology, Agriculture Western Australia

15. Management of Diamondback moth (DBM) in canola, David Cook, Peter Mangano, David Cousins, Françoise Berlandier, and Darryl Hardie, Crop Improvement Institute,Agriculture Western Australia

16. Effect of time of sowing in conjunction with fungicides on blackleg and yield of canola, Ravjit Khangura and Martin Barbetti, Agriculture Western Australia

17. Further developments in forecasting aphid and virus risk in canola, Debbie Thackray, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, Agriculture Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture

18. Efficiency of selected insecticides for the use on Diamondback Moth in canola, Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia

19. Impact® applied ‘in furrow’ controls blackleg in canola, Cameron Weeks and Erin Hasson, Mingenew-Irwin Group Inc.

20. Effect of time of sowing and Impact® on canola yield, Esperance, Dave Eksteen, Agriculture Western Australia

21. Australian Plague Locust Campaign 2000, Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia


22. New herbicide options for canola, John Moore and Paul Matson, Agriculture Western Australia


23. Effects of time of swathing and desiccant application on the seed yield and oil content of canola, Carla Thomas and Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology


24. Using canola monitoring groups to understand factors affecting canola production in Esperance, Dave Eksteen, Agriculture Western Australia

25. Nitrogen and canola, Dave Eksteen, Agriculture Western Australia


Please cite papers individually
