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Publication Date


Conference Title

National Soils Conference 1984 Brisbane


Soil Science


Water repellent (non wetting) soils in Western Australia affect pasture and crop establish 7cent and growth, the erosion of particular land classes, and water use and turf health in urban areas. Experimental materials were synthesised to give a range of properties, some of which should optimise the performance as soil wetting agents. The soil wetting and rewetting properties of the experimental and many commerically available wetting agents were evaluated on a coarse, water repellent Bassendean sand using plastic ring infiltrometers. A rainfall simulator was used to study effective rates of the various materials for improving the penetration of rainfall into the soil. Large differences between wetting agents were observed in both studies. Four of the experimental materials had superior wetting and rewetting properties to all other wetting agents tested. The properties of some of the successful materials are discussed.

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Soil Science Commons
