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Wild dogs (all wild-living dogs including pure-bred dingoes, hybrids, and domestic dogs running wild) are one of the major pest species impacting on grazing industries across mainland Australia. In this Manual, the text refers to dingoes where the information is derived from studies of essentially pure dingoes. Elsewhere the text usually refers to the more generic term, wild dogs. The information in this Manual is based on scientific studies, including detailed evaluations of techniques and strategies, as well as considerable practical experience from doggers, Department of Agriculture and Food staff and land managers. Much of this Manual focuses on sheep enterprises which, with goat enterprises, are at the highest risk of wild dog predation. Although the effects of wild dogs on cattle can also be significant and widespread, wild dogs are easier to control in cattle areas.
Number of Pages
1448 0352
Wild dogs, Vertebrate pests, Control methods, Dingoes, Western Australia, Social behaviour.
Animal Studies | Biosecurity | Meat Science | Sheep and Goat Science
Recommended Citation
Thomson, P,
Rose, K,
State Wild Dog Management Advisory Committee.
(2006), Wild Dog Management: Best Practice Manual. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4677.
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Animal Studies Commons, Biosecurity Commons, Meat Science Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons