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The Canola industry has rapidly grown with a 10 fold increase in area sown in Western Australia over the four years from 1996-99.
The driving force behind this increase in area can be attributed to the successful adoption of weed control technology in Triazine Tolerant Canola.
By knowing the model of the limiting factors, which are usually; weed control, fertiliser practices, blackleg management, variety selection, seeding dates, seeding depths, insect control and swathing, we can make the right decisions and achieve the targeted profit.
To produce yield to potential, all factors need to be optimised, otherwise yields will be decreased by the lowest factor.
These production factors are interdependent. If one factor is changed, the other factors will be affected. For example, when introducing the early sowing, in the case of TT canola, we have found that it has triggered many changes in our growing practice.
The purpose of the Regional Canola Manual is to demonstrate this interdependence, and show how the grower can make the most of it. The aim of launching this Agronomy Package is to provide the growers with the latest information and help them to achieve a profitable high standard of canola.
Great Southern and Lake District, for the purpose of this package consist of the Shires of Kojonup, Katanning, Arthur River, Wagin, Darkin, Cranbrook, Tambellup, Dumbleyung, Gnowangerup, Lake Grace, Kulin, Narrogin, Williams, Boddington and Boyup Brook.
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Fungal diseases, Weed control, Crop production, Disease control, Brassica, Canola, Insect pests
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Soil Science | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Carmody, P,
Herbert, A.
(2001), Profitable canola production in the great southern and lakes district. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4411.

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Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Breeding and Genetics Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons